Monday, March 30, 2009

A Good Point

Joi was watching Nightline Face-Off the other night. The question was, "Does Satan exist?" This question was covered by:

Deepak Chopra, an Indian philosopher
Carlton Pearson, a bishop of something
Mark Driscoll, Mars Hill pastor
Annie Lobert, former prostitute

In the debate/discussion, Deepak Chopra, made what I believe was the most profound statement of the event. He said that when we define God, that we have placed a limitations on Him. I don't believe he has any idea what he was really saying, but it is a truth. We define God under this doctrine or that theology, but all of our definitions are limited to our understanding. The truth is we can't comprehend God in His fullness. We always put God in a box, we just have different size boxes.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

3: It's A Magic Number

Today, I've been hanging out with my boy. The girls are out shopping with their aunt for some Easter dresses, while Ellie and Joi are in the bed (for a short while). So Nehemiah and I have been watching The Three Stooges on youtube. I have to admit, I love The Three Stooges. I cam across this one, and was laughing the whole time. I hope you enjoy it also.

Part One:

Part Two:

The second part isn't quite as funny after they leave the restaurant. I don't eat out as often as most. I hope you know what you're eating. Remember if it barks or meows, check under the table. ;-)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Perfect Storm

I think we are on the verge a perfect storm.

On the way home this evening, I heard the news referenced in the article by timesonline. It is pretty scarry that we are in the perfect storm. A leftist senate, a leftist house, a leftist presidency and a bunch of criminals running big business. The president wants to be able to take over a company in order to protect the economy. It sounds like a great way to create a socialist monarchy/oligarchy.

I hope and pray it doesn't happen, but we are in the hands of Christ no matter what happens.

A Brilliant Man

I just want to say, I believe I work for one of the smartest executives in the world. I just read this article in the Wall Street Journal. I despise unions. I believe they had their place at one time, but I think they are a big reason that the US economy is messed up. The car industry can thank those highly compensated employees of their manufacturing facilities.

FedEx has had enough issues with the economy changing, forcing the company to pay wages that are unrealistic is the last thing needed right now. I think it is a brilliant move to tell congress that there will be another $7 Billion not invested in the economy because of their noses being placed where they don't belong.

Thank you Mr Smith for your brilliance.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Eleven years is the span of time for the suns polarity to switch. In that time the sun is mostly very calm and peaceful. There are times when sunspots occur that cause issues in the earths atmosphere. The sun is continuously changing.

The same is true for Joi and me. This day eleven years ago, we got married. That has been one of the happiest days in my life. Sure, we have had our sunspots. We've been ever changing. We've grown and continue to grow. The love I have for Joi is still a consuming fire unlike anything you've ever experienced. I plan to keep doing everything it takes to make that the case. When the poles begin to change and the spots begin flaring and turbulent, we resolve. We both forgive. We both embrace, and we both give everything we have to work out the clash of polarity.

The Lord gave me an analogy a long time ago that makes a lot of sense to me. When we start in marriage, we are the two lower corners of a triangle. Christ is the top corner of the triangle. As we both come to Christ, we grow closer together, and the line between us gets shorter and shorter.

I have no doubt that Joi and I are closer today then we were eleven years ago. I also know that we will be closer eleven years further down the corridor of life.

It's a miracle...

The night before last, I got three eggs from our chickens. It had been raining all day, and I told Joi to wait for me. I didn't want anyone out in the cold rain, so I would collect the eggs.

The next morning, I went out to feed the chickens and the other duties that go along with that task. There was a chicken in the laying box. When she got up, there was an egg under her.

That afternoon, I went to collect the eggs. I was dumbfounded when I opened the lid. There were three eggs. Now you may be wondering what the big deal is. Well, the big deal is I had three the evening before, one in the morning and three in the afternoon. That's four eggs within twenty-four hours. I only have three chickens. And the time for laying eggs in roughly thirty-six hours for chickens (althought I think mine are closer to thirty-two to thirty-four hours).

So how did it happen? I thought it had to do with Miracle Max. Ok not really, but I was shocked and did give glory to God. As I was walking away it dawned on me that I had seen the single egg in the laying box. I went to change the water out after seeing it. I didn't take it out, as I didn't want it to get broken. I never got it out of the box.

So it was just a funny event, but I was thankful that God loved me enough to take care of me.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Only in Memphis

Yep, last night is snowed the 2nd (but maybe 1st) biggest snow I have seen in my lifetime living in the Memphis area. After Tuesday, the temperature is supposed to be in the 70's and dip to the 60's by the end of the week. Where else can you get eight inches of snow and have 70's in the same week... I mean besides Colorado Springs... They cheat... they are in the desert and scrunched up against the Rocky Mountains.

The snow just came from nowhere. It had snowed about three to four inches when I put the kids to bed last night. Looking into the light, you could see the snow coming down, but not very much. I assumed it had played out. I was surfing the internet and got an email from our Pastor letting everyone know that church was canceled. I was very disappointed, as I didn't think it was that bad. Fifteen minutes later, a branch from my neighbors tree fell on my back porch. I went outside to evaluate the situation, when I discovered that it had not played out. In fact, it had snowed another fiver or so inches. We had played in a parking lot that night, but the snow was just wet and slushy. This morning we went back, and the snow was dry and powdery. It didn't matter much. We managed to sled down a good hill several times (I actually participated more than the kids did, and I am sore from it). The kids just wanted to tromp around in the field. Nehemiah just wanted to lay in the snow and rollover.

On the backside of a hill, there was a drift pile. It was well above my knee. That was a lot of fun for me as well as the kids. Nehemiah couldn't get into it. Andie said she felt like she was sitting down it was so high. It was a lot of fun. I am glad we made the little excursion. It was a memory that will last a lifetime I am sure. I think Joi has some pictures. I will post them if they are any good.