Thursday, April 9, 2009

Friends Are Friends Forever

I've been thinking of this post all day. Unfortunately, it will most likely be broken down into several posts.

Facebook is a good thing. I've recently heard from folks that were integral in my life. I am now in touch with the man that I often refer to as my spiritual father. He is the one that took me under his wing, and encouraged me in the Lord. It wasn't anything very deep, but he taught me how to develop my relationship with our Lord.

Facebook is a bad thing. I've recently heard from folks that were very integral in my life. I have been in touch with who was once a great friend, someone who inspired me to grow in the Lord , someone who I remember supporting as he preached at a revival and many other places and someone who now professes a different religion. He is now a self consumed atheist and humanist.

I have learned that I am a talker. I love conversation. I usually have trouble striking it up, but once it gets going, it's hard to stop (just ask Joi). I tried to engage conversation with this individual. I've since learned that what was once bridled has now been loosed. Now that there is no reason to hold back, it is not done. In my attempts to understand how he got to his state, I had insults thrown at me. You could tell he was not having a conversation, but was waging war. I approached him for understanding how he go to this state, and hopefully make him realize those moments that changed him. I knew there is nothing I can do for the situation, but I wanted to know what happened to my friend.

Out of that, I eventually heard from someone else, and then got in touch with Brother Kevin (the one referred to as my spiritual father). I have enjoyed catching up with him. I was very glad to finally be able to express what he meant to me. With that, the later situation resurfaced. He is now going down a similar road. He has a different tactic (his sole purpose is to point out that he is wrong). He is in a different position (being someone that molded and guided him as a teenager). So we will see how he responds. I hope and pray for a better outcome.

Now, what is the point of this post? The title is part of the chorus for a Michael W. Smith song. Friends are friends forever… if the Lord's the Lord of them.

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